Vanity (a.k.a. when one cannot think of content, make oneself the content)

Here are some incredibly vain photobooth pictures of me and some things that I like to wear occasionally... if you're at all interested.

Funny shirt with a tattoo-ed and pierced baby (with actual rhinestones and piercings on it) sometimes I don't quite know why I buy things....

Van Gogh screen printed shirt from Manly markets

Excuse my dork-a-zoid posing- amazing vintage Japanese coat that is like wearing a sleeping bag, so warm.

Vintage leather jacket and high waisted 90s mom jeans, why not...

Most recent purchases- set of rings and cats-eye sunglasses from ASOS
Taken on my birthday- I don't feel 17, in fact I haven't had a chance to properly think about being 17 yet.....

And in other news:
It's a pretty exciting/nerve wracking time at the moment- I'm getting to the last leg of high school and the pressure's kicking in but I've also decided to take a gap year next year which I never thought I would do and is quite out of character. The past two days in particular have been really surreal: I learnt that my school wants to use one of my artworks as the promo image for the exhibition and they want my exhibition space to be at the front. I'm not really used to that sort of thing and it made me feel really uncomfortable at first because I'm used to feeling inadequate (probably forced that upon myself a little by going to QACI.) Then after I learnt about all this I went to see the new Batman movie at the midnight screening which finished at 3am, by golly, and slept over at a friend's then went to school in my uniform from the day before (I apologise about that, fellow classmates) then some other really exciting stuff happened too and it's all so overwhelming I just want to roll around on the floor like a seal.

Also my senior formal is in a few weeks and I don't have a date eep.
I have a dress though and a really nice fur coat and jewelry and hair and makeup booked so I least I'll look good right? right?